wordpress error 500 & wordpress Path

simply because plugin crash I guess

go to the Path of wordpress



find plugin folder, rename any plugin you think may cause error

go back to your website

change wordpress files deployed by bitnami on AWS

find the path of wordpress


exam file structure apt-get install tree

├── index.php
├── license.txt
├── readme.html
├── wp-activate.php
├── wp-admin
├── wp-blog-header.php
├── wp-comments-post.php
├── wp-config.php
├── wp-config-sample.php
├── wp-content
├── wp-cron.php
├── wp-includes
├── wp-links-opml.php
├── wp-load.php
├── wp-login.php
├── wp-mail.php
├── wp-settings.php
├── wp-signup.php
├── wp-trackback.php
└── xmlrpc.php

in folder wp-content, which contains themes that can be modified.

bitnami AWS server MySQL config

if you launch a bitnami worldpress server on AWS,

it’s mysql, apache, php-fpm are stored in different locations compares to installed via apt-get

they are monitored and managed by bitnami.

so, go to



./ctlscript.sh status

if you want to restart mysql

./ctlscript.sh restart mysql


use command mysqladmin


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Notice: Undefined index: cookies in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/live-composer-page-builder/modules/tp-comments-form/module.php on line 1638