10 Days of Statistics my solution
Environment: Python2
Day 0: Mean, Median, and Mode
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT wtf=raw_input() wtf2=raw_input() print wtf,type(wtf) print wtf2, type(wtf2) # Your Output (stdout) 10 <type 'str'> 64630 11735 14216 99233 14470 4978 73429 38120 51135 67060 <type 'str'>
my solution
def quartile_1(l): return sorted(l)[int(len(l) * .25)] def median(l): return sorted(l)[len(l)/2] def quartile_3(l): return sorted(l)[int(len(l) * .75)]
li=wtf2.split() ll=[float(i) for i in li] def mean(x): return sum(x)/len(x) def median(x): x.sort() while len(x)>2: x=x[1:-1] return sum(x)/len(x) def mode(x): x=[int(i) for i in li] dic={} for i in x: dic[i]=0 for i in x: dic[i]+=1 m=max(dic.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[1] c=[] for i in dic.items(): if i[1]==m: c.append(i[0]) return min(c) print mean(ll) print median(ll) print mode(ll)
Environment: R
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT x <- suppressWarnings(readLines(file("stdin"))) x <- strsplit(x,' ') x <- lapply(x,as.numeric)[[2]] #print(x) print(mean(x)) print(median(x)) getmode <- function(v) { uniqv <- unique(v) uniqv[which.max(tabulate(match(v, uniqv)))] } print(min(x))
Day 0: Weighted Mean
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT c=raw_input() a=raw_input() b=raw_input() # Input (stdin) # 5 # 10 40 30 50 20 # 1 2 3 4 5 a=[float(i) for i in a.split(' ')] b=[float(i) for i in b.split(' ')] up = [i*j for i,j in zip(a,b)] print round(sum(up)/sum(b),1)
Day 1: Quartiles
Sample Input
3 7 8 5 12 14 21 13 18
Sample Output
Lower half (L): 3, 5, 7, 8
Upper half (U): 13, 14, 18, 21
def quartile_1(l): return sorted(l)[int(len(l) * .25)] def median(l): return sorted(l)[len(l)/2] def quartile_3(l): return sorted(l)[int(len(l) * .75)]
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT y=raw_input() x=raw_input() y=int(y) x=[int(i) for i in x.split(' ')] x.sort() if y%2==0: print median(x[:x.index(median(x)[1])+1])[0] else: print median(x[:x.index(median(x)[1])])[0] print(median(x)[0]) if y%2==0: print median(x[x.index(median(x)[2]):])[0] else: print median(x[x.index(median(x)[2])+1:])[0] if y%2==0: print median(x[:x.index(median(x)[1])+1])[0] else: print median(x[:x.index(median(x)[1])])[0] print(median(x)[0]) if y%2==0: print median(x[x.index(median(x)[2]):])[0] else: print median(x[x.index(median(x)[2])+1:])[0]
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT y=raw_input() x=raw_input() y=float(y) x=[int(i) for i in x.split(' ')] x.sort() if y%2==1: m=round(y/2) l=(m-1)/2 r=m+l m,l,r=int(m),int(l),int(r) print (x[l-1]+x[l])/2 print x[m-1] print (x[r-1]+x[r])/2 if y%2==0: m=y/2 l=round(m/2) r=m+l m,l,r=int(m),int(l),int(r) if m%2==0: print (x[l-1]+x[l])/2 print (x[m-1]+x[m])/2 print (x[r-1]+x[r])/2 else: print x[l-1] print (x[m-1]+x[m])/2 print x[r-1]
Day 1: Standard Deviation
Sample Input
10 40 30 50 20
Sample Output
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT y=raw_input() y=int(y) x=raw_input() x=[int(i) for i in x.split(' ')] x.sort() m=sum(x)/float(len(x)) square=map(lambda x:(x-m)**2, x) mu=(sum(square)/len(x))**0.5 print mu