bokeh 2nd: layouts

Why layout for different or similar charts is so attracting?

Package a Python program to a single Executable file with Pyinstaller

The advantage of packaging a program is that the user do NOT need any programming environment to use the packaged software.

Packaging a program is very common.For example, when you install most of the software, the ‘setup’ installer will install a packaged software into your computer as a folder and add a shortcut of the executable to your desktop.

However, packaging the program into a single file is much more difficult, I’ll explain why later, let us see how to do it for a Python project.

First things first, make sure you have pyinstaller. I’ve used other libraries like py2exe, but pyinstaller is the best in terms of its compatibility, stability, and user-friendly, the list goes on and on.

in the command window

-> pyinstaller  -o image.ico  -F  –upx-dir upxfolder

-c  (default)  open a console window

-w  will NOT open a console window

The biggest problem when packaging, especially to a single file:

can not find some specific library dependencies

these are tons of solutions online, but much are so complex and not direct

these is a very simple solution:

Locate the library you import in your program (the one failed packaging) then move the source code to your current directory with the program you wrote, the CHANGE the name of the source code file and change the library name you import.

The packaging software will then search dependency files from the files you made.

Here’s an example:



bokeh 1st: fundamentals python data visualization

Let’s dive into the simple but powerful Bokeh—-create sophisticated D3.js like graphs with few Python codes!


wordpress tips

questions   methods
how to embed content from another site? install iframe plug in, then insert input content like 


 tips: quick edit widgets    under ‘customize’ state, hover mouse to the place you want to edit, shift-click
how to add personal customized menu   go to ‘Dashboard’->’Appearance’->’customize’ -> ‘menus’ -> add new menu
 how to add internal link?       highlight words and insert link (Ctrl + K), type in content from your own site and apply              
 how to add read more?    insert read more tag (shift+alt+t) into your article


useful wordpress plugins

plugins function 
  • AddToAny Share Buttons
       create share bars contains social medias & create follow me bars
  • Custom Meta Widget
can choose and disable contents in Meta widget
  • DrawIt (

Draw and edit flow charts, diagrams, images and more while editing a post.

  • Insert HTML Snippet
Add HTML code to your pages and posts easily using shortcodes
  • Live Composer
Front-end page builder for WordPress with drag and drop editing. Visually customize any page element.
  • Profile Widget Ninja
profile display widget plugin with pic and social media icons
  • Subtitles
add subtitles
  • TinyMCE Color Grid
add more colors while editing
  • TinyMCE Pre Button
add <pre> button
  • WP Downgrade
to either downgrade or update WordPress Core to an arbitrary version of your choice.
  • WP Edit
great content Editing
  • Crayon Syntax Highlighter
highlight codes for various languages
  • WordPress Mobile Pack
convert phone viewers into app viewing 
  • WP Statistics
visiting stat
  • Display Widgets
hide widgets for specific categories, pages, etc

Pandas basis


Question  answer explain
 how to get how big in memory a DataFrame object is?
 what is the best representative of null value in Pandas object?  np.nan import numpy as np
 what is the best way to slice a DataFrame by index?  df.iloc[-5:, 2:] use iloc method
 how to convert a DataFrame (excluding indexes) to a numpy ndarray?  df.values it is a attribute, can’t be called
 what is the most basic way to create a DataFrame?  pd.DataFrame(dict) pass dictionary to; keys are column names
 what is broadcasting?  pd[‘new’]=7 all the values of the new column will be 7
 how to change df’s column names, index names?  pd.columns = [‘a’,’b’,…]

pd.index = [‘c’,’d’,…]

assign value directly
 when read csv, how to specify names of the column  pd.read_csv(path, names=[‘a’,’b’,…..])  instead, pass header=None will prevent pandas using data as column names, but use 0,1,2,3 ….
when read csv, how to let pandas to turn some specific values into NaN? pd.read_csv(path, na_values = ‘-1’)

pdf.read_csv(path, na_values = {‘column3’:[‘ -2’, ‘wtf’,…]})

all the values which is character ‘-1’ will be rendered to NaN
how to parse data in reading csv pd.read_csv(path, parse_dates = [[0,1,2]]) pandas will parse column 1, 2, 3 into one datetype column
does index of df have a name? = ‘xxx’ assign a name to the index of df
how to save df to a csv file with other delimiters  rather than ‘,’ pd.to_csv(path, sep=’\t’) save to a csv file which separates data by tab

how to batch convert string to Date type


how to get 2 DataFrame together,  & append one df to another?

bash code

1,3,5…99 for (( c=1; c<=99; c+=2 ))
echo “Welcome $c times”
for i in {1..99..2}
echo $i
assign value

read input

read wowo
echo “Welcome $wowo”
calculation output in shell read X
read Y
echo “$(($X+$Y))”
echo “$(($X-$Y))”
echo “$(($X*$Y))”
echo “$(($X/$Y))”
 if (( a > b )); then

echo “enter two numbers”;

read a b;

echo “a=$a”;
echo “b=$b”;


$a = 2462620
$b = 2462620

if [ “$a” -eq “$b” ];then
echo “They’re equal”;

 -eq # equal
-ne # not equal
-lt # less than
-le # less than or equal
-gt # greater than
-ge # greater than or equal
if [ $a == $b ]
echo “a is equal to b”
elif [ $a -gt $b ]
echo “a is greater than b”
elif [ $a -lt $b ]
echo “a is less than b”
echo “None of the condition met”

the Python challange

Python get local varible, call


the Python challange

level 0 




level 1

g fmnc wms bgblr rpylqjyrc gr zw fylb. rfyrq ufyr amknsrcpq ypc dmp. bmgle gr gl zw fylb gq glcddgagclr ylb rfyr'q ufw rfgq rcvr gq qm jmle. sqgle qrpgle.kyicrpylq() gq pcamkkclbcb. lmu ynnjw ml rfc spj.
import string


print s.translate(mapping)

level 2


import re

data = """copy html source code highlighted"""

print "".join(re.findall("[A-Za-z]", data))

level 3

print "".join(re.findall("[^A-Z]+[A-Z]{3}([a-z])[A-Z]{3}[^A-Z]+", data))

level 4

import urllib

nothing = '12345'
while True:
    content = urllib.urlopen('' % locals()).read()
        nothing = str(int(content.split(' ')[-1]))
    except ValueError:
        if 'Divide' in content:
            nothing = str(int(nothing) / 2)

print content
import requests
import re

next = "12345"

while next.isdigit():
    p = requests.get('' % next)
    if 'Divide' in p.content:
        next = str(int(next) / 2)
        message = "".join(re.findall('nothing is [0-9]*', p.content))
        next = message.lstrip('nothing is ')

print p.content